Home > Product >Dress Perfume > Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito Repellant 
in Mind for Health and Nature

A Fragrant Mosquito Repellant to Prevent Customers from Mosquitoes in Advance

Our mosquito repellant is developed to reduce damage from various pests

Bridcan Mosquito Repellent 300ml / 50ml

Bouquet Dore Mosquito Repellent 60ml

Introduction of Products
Target AnimalsMosquito, Flesh Fly
7% of DEET / DEET with Minimum Used
Spray and lotion type make it convenient to use
Period of Use and Use Range
Around 2 ~ 3 Hours after Application
Product Component Information
CapacityBridcan[300ml/50ml]  Bouquet Dore[60ml]


Material Technology

-  DEET with Minimum Used

Formulation Technology

Formulation of Liquid and Lotion Type